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Facts About Puppy Nutrition

The proper nutrition of puppies is very important for their health and proper growth. A growing puppy will need about twice as many calories per pound as an adult dog of the same breed. Owners should start feeding puppies solid food at approximately 4 weeks of age, because the mother’s milk is no longer sufficient for their growing needs.

It is best to serve their food in evenly spaced, multiple meals as opposed to one big meal in the morning or night.

What your puppy needs.

Comprised of 23 different amino acids, proteins are often called the “building blocks” of the tissues. The puppy’s body can manufacture 13 of these amino acids. The other 10 amino acids, however, must come from outside meat and plant sources. During this time of growth a puppy needs a good supply of protein as this is the primary building block of muscle, skin, coat, and organs.

Fats are used to supply energy and essential fatty acids. Fats help your puppy's skin and coat as well as making their food tastier. Be careful not to supply your puppy with excessive amounts of fats as this can possibly cause rapid growth spurts, which are bad for the bones, and unnecessary weight gain.

Carbohydrates provide your puppy energy too, and are primarily made up of sugars and starches. Carbohydrates are supplied from plant sources such as grains and vegetables. Without the right amount of carbohydrates and fats, the puppy's body will convert protein to glucose to get its energy.

As in humans calcium is important for healthy teeth and bones. They must have the proper amounts of calcium to ensure proper teeth and bone growth. Depending on what food they are eating, this may need to be supplemented with a quality dog vitamin.

Water may be the most important nutrient of all. Make sure that clean, fresh water is always available to them.

Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are also an important part of a maintaining a health puppy. Although some of these important vitamins and minerals will come from your puppy food, they will not contain all of the essential vitamins and minerals that your puppy needs. It is recommended that you supplement your puppy's diet with a quality vitamin supplement.

We’d like to suggest the NuVet Plus line of supplements.

Based upon our own research and personal experience, we’ve come to believe that NuVet Plus is the finest line of dog vitamin supplements available. So much so that NuVet is the ONLY supplement brand we endorse.

We’re not exactly alone in that opinion. NuVet is used by many of the world’s top dog breeders and groomers. And in 2009, readers of the world’s most widely read magazine for dog lovers, Dog Fancy, voted NuVet the best pet supplement.

Click Here to read accounts of many pet owners who have made their pets’ lives healthier and happier with the help of NuVet.

Dog Vitamin Supplement

Click here to order NuVet and start your
dog on a path to a longer, healthier life!

To learn more about the ingredients that NuVet uses and the benefits of each, please follow this link. NuVet Dog Vitamin Supplement Ingredients

Dear NuVet,

All I can say is that I am so thankful that I tried your product. I have an 8 month old German Shepherd-Rottweiler pup named Mishka. He is absolutely gorgeous and radiant and I know this can only be attributed to NuVet. Many of our neighbors have young dogs too but none of them are as alert, vibrant, and outwardly healthy like my dog. All our neighbors comment on how gorgeous his coat is and how alert and active he is.
NuVet is a fantastic product. I am sold for life.

Kakoli M.
New York

What specific vitamins should a quality dog vitamin supplement contain?

Fact) A quality canine vitamin supplement should contain the following specific vitamins:

Vitamin A - Vitamin A is essential in skeletal growth, proper eye function, healthy skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is also the body's first line of defense against invading microorganisms and toxins. It promotes a healthy immune system, destroys carcinogens (cancer causing agents), and guards against heart disease and stroke.

Vitamin B (Complex) - Helps the functioning of the nervous system; maintains muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract; maintains the health of skin, coat, eyes, mouth and liver.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - Essential for normal functioning of the heart, nerves, muscles, skin and digestive system.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - Necessary for carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism, and antibody and red blood cell formation. Good for healthy eyes, skin, and coat.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - Promotes growth, proper functioning of the nervous system, maintenance of healthy skin, tongue, digestive system, and carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism.

Vitamin B5 - canine healthAssists in the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Aids in the utilization of some vitamins, stimulates growth, and aids in the formation of antibodies.

Vitamin B6 - Necessary for carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism, antibody and red blood cell formation, and aids in digestion.

Vitamin B12 - Essential for normal formation of red blood cells, carbohydrate-fat-protein metabolism, and good appetite.

Vitamin C (Ester C™) - Vitamin C is a key factor in many immune functions, including white blood cell function and Interferon levels. Due to its antioxidant properties, it combats the effects of free radicals while lowering the risk of cataracts and promoting cell growth and tissue repair.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E is the most effective chain breaking lipid-soluble antioxidant in the biological membrane. It contributes to membrane activity, protecting critical cellular structures against damage from oxygen free radicals.

After researching and trying the many dog vitamins available on the market today, we believe NuVet Plus is the best canine or dog vitamin supplement available on the market today. We rarely feel strongly enough about any particular product to give it our endorsement. After all, the main purpose of our site is to help you find out the facts about dog vitamins so you will be better equipped to properly care for your dogs to ensure their health and longevity. In this case, however, seeing the remarkable results of this amazing dog vitamin supplement in the lives of our own dogs has caused us to make our first endorsement. But don’t just take my word for it, CLICK HERE to read these incredible NuVet success stories.

Dog Vitamin Supplement

Click here to order NuVet and start your
dog on a path to a longer, healthier life!


Dog Vitamin Supplement
Click Here to Order NuVet Plus!

Penny's Story
I had given Penny, a Chocolate Lab, to a friend on a co-ownership in January of 2006. In June I took Penny and 1 other dog back due to the deplorable conditions they were kept in.

When I brought Penny home her skin and coat were awful. She had dry, flaky skin and dry, brittle fur. I immediately started her on NuVet Plus and her improvement was

If I hadn't seen it for myself, I never would have thought it was possible. In less than 30 days, she turned back into the dog I used to know. Her coat and skin improved and the light in her eyes returned. She was happy and healthy again.

Thanks so much! Now, all of our dogs are on NuVet Plus and we send all of our puppies home with a starter supply of NuVet vitamins.

Deven Grimaldi

Bo's Transformation
Our 8 year old Rott/Lab mix, Bo, was recently diagnosed with Cushing's disease. We had no idea what that was or how it affected our baby but we knew he wasn't himself and needed us to help him.

We went with the vet recommended medicine and he may have been better on the inside but to us he was worse. He stayed in the shower all day and night. We couldn't get him to eat. All he wanted to do was drink and go out and then go into the shower (because of the cold floor).

I went online to try and find something to help him since the vet told us the next medicine had horrible side affects. I found your website and figured it couldn't hurt him anymore that what he was getting so I made my first order.

Within a week, our baby was acting himself, eating and playing with the other dogs. His coat is shinier and he is so much better. We were so pleased with the results, we started giving the vitamins to all of our dogs and I have just ordered the Joint supplement for a dog we have that has bad hips.

I cannot express our gratitude to your company for making such an awesome product. If our baby doesn't make it, at least his last years were good ones and the quality of his life is better.

We love our "kids" as we call them so much.
They are not just "dogs" to us and we just want to say THANKS!!!

"NuVet has saved my Chihuahua's life"
I just have to say that I believe NuVet has saved my Chihuahua's life. Back in February I took my 9 year old Chihuahua Toby in to have his teeth cleaned, and asked the vet to take a look at his belly because it looked bloated.

I received a call from her not long after I dropped him off saying that he had a huge mass, she said she had never seen one of that size in comparison to his size. She did exploratory surgery and found the mass to be attached to his kidney and aorta and basically said there was nothing she could do for him. I was told he may live for two weeks and that was pushing it. I brought him home expecting the worse. My sister happens to be a rep for your product and told me to try it, what did I have to loose. I ordered a bottle and started giving it to him and my other Chihuahua.

Not only is Toby still around today (9 months later), but he looks the best he has ever looked. He no longer has eye stains, he has finally grown hair on his chest, which he has never had.
I went back to the vet to get his nails trimmed and she did an x-ray because she could not believe Toby was still around. The mass has actually shrunk to half the original size. He is now called the "Miracle Dog" at the vets office. Thank you NuVet, I feel like you have given me the greatest gift I could ever ask for!!
Laura Lawson

Our Dog BJ
My Poodle BJ, is on it and it has helped him greatly. You see he has a very bad heart and lung disease. The doctor gave him six months to live. I started him on the nu-vet, supplement and it has been about two months now and he doesn't cough much anymore, he can play and go out to the mail box with me. These are things he could not do before He has gone from laying on the couch to being an active little poodle again.

He is no-longer depressed. He has a very happy look on his face now and he acts very happy. He is now 13 years young and I look forward to having him around for a very long time. He is my love. So check it out. It helps our pets with so many things and they feel good again. And the younger pets can be helped by not getting sick in the first place. I love it. You will to.

(Update on BJ’s condition)
I took BJ to the vets for his checkup this past week. And his lungs have cleared. They are
completely clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first x-ray showed bad lung disease in both lungs. The DR. told me this past week that even though he told me six months last time he really didn't think BJ would live six weeks. Now he says maybe a couple years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeee

His heart is still the same it has not got worse or bigger. It is still bad but it has not got worse and that is very good.

So thanks to nu-vet I will have my little boy around for awhile and nothing could make me
happier. So give nu-vet a call ask them anything, they will answer all your questions and if it
doesn't work for you they will give you your money back. You really have nothing to lose. I truly
believe it has saved my little boy’s life. Don't wait till they get sick. Get them on it now so they
stay healthy

Kay Breining
Small Dog Grooming by Kay


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